Our annual summer day camp is back in person, and we are thrilled to invite you to participate!
This year’s theme is miyo pimâtisiwin – a good life, rooted in nehiyawewin!

We will be located primarily on campus, at the University of Alberta Education building, with various outdoor excursions to nearby green areas and a few field trips by bus as well.

Register for our Day Camp Here!

Want to learn alongside your participating Young Indigenous Woman?
Register to be a Volunteer here!

The Young Indigenous Women’s Circle of Leadership is a program that is assisting young women in their journey to discover and to reclaim their ancestral language and knowledge. This program is open to young Indigenous women, ages 10-18 and is focused on the Cree language with a foundation in Cree knowledge and spirituality through immersion experiences.


  • Tiara Opissinow
    June 20, 2022 10:01 pm


    I have a question about being a volunteer at the summer day camp.

    Is it required as a volunteer to be able to attend daily from the 11th-22nd? I’m a linguistic student who is a nehiyawewin learner and would love to volunteer but I have work and other obligations on specific days.

    Hiy hiy,
    Tiara Opissinow.

    • Jenn Gallup
      June 30, 2022 2:27 pm

      Hi Tiara,
      We’ve asked the Camp coordinators to reach out to you. Thank you for your inquiry.

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