The Young Indigenous Women’s Circle of Leadership presents: Iskwew Acimowina Women’s Stories with Maureen Belanger for one weekend only! Friday, October 21, 2022 from 4:30-7:00 pm Saturday, October 22, 2022…
Posts by Pamela McCoy-Jones
Weaving Holistic Learning Experiences through Language Programming & Culture (WHoLE) presents: Dr. Kevin Lewis. Dr. Lewis will speak to the group about Cree Language Programming & Land-based Education. Monday, October…
External Advisory Council Member Lynda Minoose shares the 5 things she has learned about preserving Indigenous languages with Kalyna Hennig Epp. Read the NewTrail Article
SILR Presents: Associate Professor June Bam-Hutchison from the University of Cape Town, South Africa & Dr. Dwayne Donald from the University of Alberta Including: Elder Elmer Ghostkeeper from Buffalo Lake…
First Peoples’ Cultural Council is funding a 10 week Online Basic Cree Course: Register here Find more details here
Indigenous Languages of Manitoba (ILMB) is proud to present the 8th Annual Honouring Our Languages Gathering on October 5 & 6, 2022 at the Red River Exhibition Grounds, 3977 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.…
Sharissa Neault was chosen as one of the University of Winnipeg’s valedictorians for the 2022 spring convocation, read more here.
Our annual summer day camp is back in person, and we are thrilled to invite you to participate! This year’s theme is miyo pimâtisiwin – a good life, rooted in…
Supporting Indigenous Language Revitalization (SILR) Presents: Indigenous Sharing Series Kîwetotetân nehiyawewin We invite you to attend a zoom presentation by Dr. Dorothy Thunder as she talks about language revitalization and…